How to Make Tanabata Decorations – The Easiest Origami (Japanese Paper Crafts) Instructions
7 July is Tanabata, Japanese Star Festival.
I talked of the romantic legend, what people do and how to make a wish to stars here.
Now it’s time to talk about how to make tanabata decorations!Origami is a traditional Japanese paper craft. You can make birds, stars, flowers and more objects from just one piece of square paper.Well, some of you might say, “Crafts are not my specialty. My hands are out of control. Maybe someone else will do.”
Trust me. It’s easy to make an origami object. It takes only a few minutes. It is so easy that little children in preschools can make the decorations in their activities. Yes, you can!
Origami Milky Way & Fake Bamboo for Tanabata |
Let’s see how to make the decorations in VIDEOS! (If you are reading this on email, please visit the site.)
1: Milky Way (Galaxy) Net Type
Just prepare a square piece of paper and a pair of scissors. It takes just a few minutes.
The next one is even easier. It cannot be easier!
Origami Galaxy |
2: Milky Way (Galaxy)
Let’s try.
I believe that origami will be fantastic not only for tanabata but for parties, part of ornaments of Christmas trees and anything you want to decorate! Or, let’s make it in front of your friends who don’t know origami. They will shout, “Wow! Amazing!!”
Bamboo with a lot of origami decorations are so beautiful.
Hopefully I will upload more videos of Tanabata origami decorations!
All About Tanabata – Tales & Traditions of the Japanese Star Festival
A Guide to Sendai, Japan – Photos of Tanabata Star Festival & Foods
A Report of Tanabata Days in Tokyo Disney Sea, Japan – Tanabata Festival in Disneyland
The decorations are SO cute, Kozue – but I fear I am one of those people who do not have the ability (or patience) for craft!! But your videos make it look so easy 😀 Have a good weekend, my friend!
It's definitely easy. Yes, you can!!
Happy travels, Red!
Oh I like the galaxy net! I started folding a few stars and cranes the other night with some lovely papers I bought back from Hakata. I would love to learn how to make some other things, I saw a lovely kimono girl used to decorate a wrapped gift and would like to learn that too.
Hi, Toni!
I uploaded one more video about how to make a lantern. If you like, check it out!
It is not so difficult to make a kimono girl although it is not very familiar to little children. Hopefully I'll upload a video someday!