Seasonal Attractions

Must-Eat Sushi Rolls in Japanese February

3 February is traditional Setsubun Festival in Japan, and Setsubun means soy beans to people.
But another food suddenly became popular some years ago.
It is sushi rolls called “eho maki,” which you eat with turning to the year’s lucky direction (= eho). For example, eho in 2016 was south-southeast, so you look to south-southeast with a sushi roll in your hand, and get your teeth into it!

In fact, eho-maki is a revival of the custom hundreds of years ago. Did you know this? I suppose it is too new for international travel guidebooks.
In my opinion, the reason it took root in people is very simple.
It’s so delicious!

Convenience stores and supermarkets launched the boom. Many of them sell these sushi rolls on 1 – 3 Feb.
And I think that they are getting used to make good sushi rolls.
I was lucky to have photos of a sushi roll of last year – I meant they are for my personal use, so they are not very good photos, but enough to see how it was like.

Look at what is in the sushi roll. Normally, only tuna (= maguro) is enough for a sushi roll (= nori maki), but you find anago, shrimp (amaebi), buri, hotate, egg, cucumber, kobu, etc, in one single eho-maki for Setsubun Fes! Isn’t it so gorgeous?

But it developed even more this year.
Look at this year’s sushi roll at the Japanese leading supermarket Ito Yokado. Fantastic, it’s beyond sushi rolls!!!

You might feel it’s too big, but you don’t need to worry. There are so much fish in the roll, so rice is not too much, so you have one and never have a stomachache. Gorgeous, delicious, and still healthy!

I need to talk about one thing about this eho-maki culture, but I leave it to another day.
Hope you enjoy this delicious post!

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